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Tips for Emergency Survival Prep


Emergency preparation is important especially for people who live in areas that are prone to occurrence of natural calamities. Calamities such as hurricanes, floods, tsunamis, and earthquakes can leave people devastated and sometimes lead to loose of life for animals and humans. It is impossible for people to permanently leave their homes. During such calamities, people leave for a short period but they come back to pick up the pieces. However, it is always advisable to have people to prepare for such eventualities. This is what is known as emergency survival preparedness. The following are some of the tips that can help during emergencies.


Gathering all the items that you may need in case you are stuck in a shelter as you await the effects of the calamity to subside. These include food rations, water bottles, flashlights, backup power sources such as generators, medication that can last a week, first aid kits at as well as cell phones and chargers among others essentials. It is also important to have your important documents within reach that you can always hold onto them just in case you need them to restart your life after the emergency.


When packing foods make sure it is nonperishable foods. Go for dry foods and supplements that can boost your energy. You should have at least three days' supply of food for yourself and your loved ones as you await evacuation in case the calamity persists for instance in case, of floods. If you anticipate longer periods of waiting then be sure to stock more food, for instance, an amount that can last for more than two weeks. This way you can stay alive even in the most difficult situations as you wait for assistance in case of prolonged emergencies. Otherwise, this duration is enough to get you back on your feet without distorting your health. Watch for more info about survival kit.


When packing for your family make sure that you consider the needs of your family and loved ones. There are different people with special needs within a family. If you have infants and the aged make sure that you accommodate their needs if they are to survive. There could be sick individuals in your family whose needs you need to cater for. Make sure that you have the right medications and other necessities that these individuals may require. The secret to surviving this period is to pack only what you need, click here for more info!

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